Culinary Class

Lesson Plan

Instructor:  Mrs. Hubbard:

Class: Culinary:

Unit Objective:

Students will be able to demonstrate various cooking techniques, recreate a recipe that they have never tried before and then critique their own cooking. Students will be able to evaluate and present the Caloric value of their dish. Students will be able to organize their recipes by method (electronically, note cards, binders, other) and category (main dish, desserts, pastas, salads, soups, meats, etc.).

Final Assessment:

Students will prepare a dish/recipe that they have never tried (tasting and/or cooking). This is to be done at home. The student will present their dish/recipe to class explaining what they chose, why they chose it, what techniques they used, what new ingredients they discovered, what problems they encounters, how they maneuvered around the problems, and what they would do differently to appeal more to their personal taste (more salt, cook it longer so it's not doughy, add oregano, try using a different cheese for a different sauce, less pepper, etc.). Students are also expected to evaluate and present on the Caloric value of their dish/recipe. Students will choose and demonstrate a method of storing and organizing recipes.


Daily Objectives Methods

Day 1 Monday, June 9th: Students will be able to demonstrate various cooking techniques, utensils, terminology and ingredients.


Day 1 Monday, June 9th:

  1. Hook:

  • Discuss with your neighbor: Who do you know that has special dietary restrictions or needs? (lower Calories, no dairy, no peanuts, no gluten, etc.) What are their dietary restrictions and what caused the need to alter their diet? (Trying to lose weight, just want to feel healthier, lactose-intolerance, food allergy, Celiacs, etc.) Share!!!

  • One day, you may need to alter your diet, or you may need to help a family member alter their diet for one reason or another. Or maybe you just want to be able to take someone a plate of diet-specific cookies for Christmas. Things happen in life that sometimes can seem daunting, especially changing a diet and trying to become familiar with new recipes. At the end of this class, I want you to feel empowered by your experiences here. I want you to be able to feel confident trying new recipes, altering them to your taste, diet or to fix a mistake in the recipe (it happens!!!). This class is designed to help you go through the process of finding a recipe, researching the terms, tools, ingredients and techniques to make the recipe. Then try cooking it and then critique your cooking by suggesting to yourself the things you would do differently the next time you try cooking it. This is the process of cooking!!! Trial and error. (My most recent mistake – cactus pie!)

  1. Introduce Unit and Performance Objectives. Make them accessible to students – on the board where they can refer to them regularly.

  2. Introduce Rubric for Final Assessment

  • Show students where to access the Rubric and other materials for the class.


  1. Assignment

  • Go home and find a new recipe you want to try. (Display recipe sites.) Print it off.

  • (Mrs. Hubbard – MODEL THIS!!!) Highlight terms, tools, ingredients and techniques that you do not know or understand. Write your questions in the margins.

  • Research your recipe. Google the ingredients, terms and tools. Youtube for a tutorial to show you a specific cooking technique. If you are unsure whether or not a certain tool or ingredient is necessary, ask someone!

  • If there are things that you are still uncertain about, bring your questions to class and we'll discuss what we've all found!!!

  • Do not start cooking your dish until after tomorrow's lesson. There is one very important step and tools that you will need. I will give this to you tomorrow in class.


Day 2 Tuesday, June 10th: Students will be able to present the Caloric value of foods.

  1. Follow Up Discussion

  • What recipe did you choose? What did you learn? What questions do you still have? How can we – classmates and teacher – help you?

  • Everyone try to help classmates.

  1. How many of you have heard someone ask, “How many Calories are in that?”

  • You may need to be able to answer that question sometime in your life, especially when you've brought a homemade dish to someone who is on a special diet.

  • (Does anyone have a scale at home that weighs in ounces and grams?)

  • Model how to calculate Calories in a dish! (homemade marshmallows)

  • Go to

  1. If there are computers available, invite students to get started so they are familiar with this when they go home.

  2. Assignment

  • Determine the Caloric value of your dish. Determine what you want the serving size to be, and calculate how many calories are in 1 serving of your dish!

  1. Invitation/Volunteer

  • Ask someone to be ready to present tomorrow if we have extra time.

Day 3 Wednesday, June 11th: Students will be able to organize their recipes digitally or manually. Students will be able to recreate a recipe and critique their cooking.

  1. Follow Up Discussion

  • Are there any questions or concerns about calculating Caloric value?

  1. As life goes on and you start hording recipes, you will want to find a good way to organize and store your recipes.

  • Decide what method you want to use to store your recipes.

    • Electronically

      • Pros?

      • Cons?

    • Note Cards

      • Pros?

      • Cons?

    • Binder

      • Pros?

      • Cons?

    • Other?

  • Categories you may want to use

    • Main Dish, Soups, Salads, Desserts, Pastries, Breads, Beverages, Condiments, Meats, Side Dishes, Casseroles, Breakfast, Lunch Dinner, Snacks, Paleo, Glute-Free, Crock Pot, BBQ, Vegetables, Fruits, THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS!!!

    • Whatever makes sense to you, do it and have fun!

  1. Assignment

  • Choose a method by which to organize your recipes.

  • Choose what categories you will use.

  • Categorize your new recipe!

  1. Presentation

Day 4 Thursday, June 12th: Students will be able to recreate a recipe and critique their cooking.
  1. Presentations!!!



DAY 1 Materials: Cooking Techniques, Utensils, Terms and Ingredients


Culinary Final Assessment Rubric

Part 1: Prepare a dish or recipe that you have never tried before, whether that's tasting and/or cooking it.. This is to be done at home. (You are welcome to ask anyone and anything to prepare you for your final. You may Google tutorial videos, ask someone to demonstrate a technique using a different dough, ingredients or recipe. But you are to prepare and cook the recipe entirely on your own.)

Part 2: On the last day of class, you will present your dish/recipe to the class. This may be done in whatever way best suits you. You may use a video, slide, poster, pictures or any other form of presentation. Whichever mode you choose to present, make sure you present on the following information:

  1. What recipe you chose and why you chose it.

  2. What cooking techniques you did not know but learned from this experience.

  3. What new ingredients, terminology or cooking tools you used for this recipe that you were not familiar with before.

  4. What problems you encountered and how you maneuvered around them. What was the hardest part in preparing for this presentation?

  5. How you would alter the recipe to make it taste better to you. (Example: add more salt, reduce the salt, add pepper, try heavy cream rather than milk, etc.)

  6. What mistakes did you make and what would you do differently the next time you make it? (Example, cook it longer so it's not doughy, turn the heat down so it didn't boil over or burn, mix more gently, etc.).

  7. The nutritional evaluation of your dish/recipe.

  8. Show where in your recipe organizer you would place your recipe. (Main Dish, Desserts, Breads, Breakfast, Soups, Salads, Sandwiches, Condiments, Other, etc.)

  9. How many Calories your dish contains.

NOTE: You may work together to plan an entire meal, but you still each need to cook one dish. You may present together as a team, but you each need to talk about the individual dish that you made.


Recipe Websites

Click Here for Allrecipes

Click Here for Foodnetwork


Research and Tutorial Websites

Click Here to Search Google

Click Here Search Wikipedia

Click Here to Search Youtube Cooking Tutorials


DAY 2 Materials: "How Many Calories Are In That?"



Click Here to Search USDA Nutrition Database



DAY 3 Materials: Organizing Your Recipes



  • Electronically: creating folders and sorting recipes by folder
  • Note Cards
  • Binder
  • Other?


(To get more ideas than what is listed below, feel free to look through cookbooks, ask your mom, grandma or neighbor what other categories they may use to organize their recipes.)

Main Dish










Side Dishes








Crock Pot






DAY 4 Materials: Presentations


Bring Your Presentations!!!  laugh